What can the Women’s Center do for you?
- Provide space for meetings with groups, organizations, friends or advisors.
- Participate in “You’re the expert,” the WC's ongoing series. Use the space to show off your knowledge and interests of those things that make you passionate about something. Books, Movies, Music, Crafts, Photography, Art, Food, Technology, Hobbies…
- Provide space for watching a movie, running a seminar, organizing an art exhibit for yourself or a group.
- Provide open hours so you can relax and study or just sit on our comfy couches and hear yourself think.
- Borrow our books or read them there. Pick up health related brochures.
- Poach our bulletin board for exciting and helpful events around campus and other universities, like internships and job opportunities.
- All you need to do is email us! womenscenter@lesley.edu
What can you do for the Women’s Center?
- First sign up for our mailing list. We’re not going to spam you (a lot) but we want to show off our blog, Facebook page, and Twitter feed. You can keep in touch with the center that way.
- Become a blog correspondent. We need intrepid ears around Lesley for the blog. Let us know if you want to report on Women’s Studies, issues or anything relevant to the center and our activities. Those interested should email: dstrassm@lesley.edu
- Become a liaison. AIB, we need you guys here to show us the cool things you do across the river. If you could bring us news to post on our bulletin board or blog, we would love it. It would be nice if you did the same for us!
- Knitters out there? Does anyone need a space for a knitting group? Would you like to start one? Unravel your ideas on us! Email: dstrassm@lesley.edu
- Any vinyl toy buffs? Want to have a trading party?
- Suggest events for students that can run out of the women’s center
- Share community resources
- Donate books
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