Our friends over at Jezebel get this from our very own Boston Globe.
The White House Project, "a national organization that hopes to one day see a woman president," is apparent;y settling for an official President Barbie. Marie Wilson, the organization's founder, says that "girls are interested in passion and purpose." [Boston.com]
By: Daphne Strassmann
Daphne, can you spread the word? And come? Bring signs? Cheryl
ReplyDeleteJoin us to celebrate International Women's Day! We'll meet Monday, March 8th, from 8am-9am on the Mass Ave bridge (the one by MIT). Walk to the center of the bridge and we'll spread out from there. Bring signs and banners celebrating women, women joining together across the globe in solidarity and women as "the bridge" to peace, education, health care and healing the environment. You may want to bring your camera, too.
The idea of women meeting on bridges was proposed by Women for Women International, a wonderful organization that helps women survivors of war rebuild their lives, to honor the resilience of women around the world. Their campaign is called Join Me on the Bridge. Come reach out to our sisters throughout the planet!
RSVP to Cheryl at: cherylsuchors@gmail.com