The Women's Center will be working more closely with the NWSA (National Women's Studies Association) in order to make information available to the Lesley Community. Let's start by letting you know about this call for proposals.
November 11-14, 2010
Sheraton Hotel, Denver, Colorado
Beverly Guy-Sheftall, NWSA President & Anna Julia Cooper Professor of Women’s Studies, Spelman College;
Vivian M. May, Associate Professor of Women’s Studies,
Syracuse University
About the Theme
In response to wide demand, NWSA 2010 builds on conversations that began in Atlanta at the 2009 conference. Difficult Dialogues II will explore a range of concepts and issues that remain under theorized and under examined in the field of women’s studies.
Although the problem of omissions, silences, and distortions in women’s studies has been analyzed for decades, too often feminist scholarship continues to theorize on the basis of hegemonic frameworks, false universals, and a narrow range of lived experiences. The legitimate terrain of feminist theory, inquiry, and politics remains contested.
The Difficult Dialogues theme builds on Johnnella Butler’s essays (beginning with her 1989 article in the Women’s Review of Books) about the contested relationship among and between black studies, ethnic studies, and women’s studies in the US academy. Butler pinpointed a reluctance to engage questions of gender and sexuality in black studies and ethnic studies, and a reluctance to engage with questions of race and class in women’s studies.
NWSA 2010 identifies several thematic areas in which ongoing and new difficult dialogues are urgently needed:
- Indigenous Feminisms: Theories, Methods, Politics
- Complicating the Queer
- The Politics of Nations
- “Outsider” Feminisms
- The Critical and the Creative
See the full call for proposals

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