Monday, April 23, 2012

Vegan Cooks and Recipes Galore

Dear everyone,

It seems that we have a big number of you out there who are practicing Vegans. We dig that. The thing is that Vegan alternatives can be hard to sustain in a campus environment. You can help. We're looking for a few of you who want to share your knowledge, ideas and recipes. The Women's Center is putting together a cookbook for the Lesley Community. Won't you help?

Here's all you need to do.
Click here and submit your recipe or email us.
You can also come by and bring your copy to us in person. We would love to see you and say hi.

Happy eating!

The Women's Center Staff

Daphne, Jen Bucolo, Jen Sherys-Rivet

By: Daphne Strassmann

Clothesline Project

Every year The Third Wave Feminism Club at Lesley participates in the Clothesline Project. This project was created to bring awareness to the issue of violence against women. Lesley's installation went up this past Sunday April 22nd and the t-shirts, weathered with rain and wind, reflect a strong message of unified voices once silenced by violence.

If you want to come by to make your own shirt, the Women's Center has materials for you to create your message of support for this project. Come by during open hours. Contact Rachael Cina with questions, or Daphne Strassmann.

Image: University of Connecticut